My name is Acio Mirriam. I come from Akidebe Village in Minakulu. I am 18 years old, a student in Building and Concrete Practice (BCP) Course under the scholarship program for Skills Development at Ignite Change Vocational Training Institute.
Growing up, life was quite tough for me together with my siblings as orphans raised by a poor elderly grandmother. My sister and I sat for Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) twice through my grandmother’s support but still it was difficult for us to continue with our education after primary level. We both dropped out of school, stayed home for 1 year and never saw any hope of going back to school. The community made fun of our situation. My schoolmates who continued to secondary education mocked me, discriminated against me with all these I felt hopeless. Because there was no hope for further education, my sister and I started farming to support our grandmother’s effort to sustain the family.
Then I was selected to be taken under a scholarship program for vocational education at the Ignite Change VTI. While at school in the department of BCP, we learned basic building skills like setting out a building, building a superstructure, and more.
Mirriam busy building a wall
I am proud to say that from the time I joined school, my life has changed. The lost hope is regained back even in my family. I am better off than my fellow friends who joined secondary education because I have practical skills which they do not have. Even after only one year of my training, I am able to use my knowledge and skills gained practically to generate income. During school breaks, I get opportunities to work with contractors at their construction site and get paid. I can set and lay foundations, cast concrete, render and plaster houses among others. This money helps me buy other requirements for school and support my grandmothers’ and family’s needs.
With these set of skills at hand I can choose to be a boss of myself, an employer, or a professional suitable for the labour market. I am now growing to become a self sustainable youth, generating income in the household and able to support and provide for the family as I work to move my family out of poverty. I am a shining example of a skilled youth in the community trained for sustainable growth.
I want to say thank you to the Ignite Change Organization. Your programs have given a vulnerable youth like me the chance, opportunity and hope for a brighter future.
Live long to reach and empower many more orphans and vulnerable children like me with skills for economic transformation in their lives and that of their families.
May the Almighty God bless you!