Skills for the Future
Young people are the next generation of entrepreneurs, workers, and changemakers for their families. At Ignite Change Vocational Training Institute, students develop the skills they need to fulfil their potential.
In Uganda, only 1 in 4 youth make it to sixth grade.
Poor quality education means that even many who finish sixth grade are unable to read or do basic mathematics. Children are lacking the basic skills they need - let alone meet the demands of the upcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution.
This skill shortage doesn’t just affect young people. Employers have a harder time recruiting qualified workers leaving many untapped opportunities in the job market.
Ignite Change Vocational Training Institute works to equip youth with tangible skills. We believe that technical skills alongside alongside soft skills, entrepreneurship, and general education are vital to help youth people thrive.
We are investing in skilling the future generations because it’s been proven that a quality education provides the best route of poverty.
Courses Offered
We currently offer 3 courses: tailoring, building, and hairdressing. Each course is taught alongside English, math, entrepreneurship, and life skills.
More courses are to be added each year!
Our graduates are able to:
make pattern drafts,
make standard garments (skirts, dresses, blouses, pants, shorts)
make garments to fit customers
repair garments
Our graduates are able to:
set-up simple structures up to 10 meters long.
construct sub structures on strip foundations
construct super structures by using header and stretcher bonds.
Our graduates are able to:
shampoo, condition, blow dries hair
give haircuts and style hair
texturing, coloring,
plaits and cornrow (including pencils and crochet),
perm hair,
sew in weaves
Vocational Training Institute Campus
The VTI campus fosters inspiration, inclusivity, and accessibility for all learners. This visionary educational facility aims to become a shining example of community, driving sustainable development for individuals and the wider region.
Construction of the girls dormitory is complete! Construction of the main hall is nearing completion