Vocational Training Institute

To open in 2024!

The Need

Technical Skills.png

In Uganda, only 34% of children in Uganda continue to Secondary School. What kind of future would you expect for these uneducated youth? They are stuck being subsistence farmers as their parents were. Because they are not fluent in English, they cannot work outside of their region where there could be better-paying jobs.

The Vocational School will serve as a bridge to take students from Primary School / Secondary School dropouts to being able to make a living wage.

Skills such as auto mechanics, carpentry, tailoring, catering, Microsoft Office, and others will be taught at the school. In addition to these skills, there will be English immersion classes to take beginning learners to fluent English speakers. General life skills will include the same areas as community outreach. Students will learn how to make business plans and apply for jobs.

Most importantly, students will learn about God and His unconditional love for them.
