Visit to Government Primary School
Thursday. Today, we went to a government Primary School with Nommy which just happened to be the exact school Nommy attended as a child. This Government school was overcrowded and poorly staffed and could clearly have used more resources and teaching material.
Monday Morning Fellowship
Monday morning, I was able to join in with the Ignite Change staff for their weekly Praise & Worship time. Although I did not understand some of the words sung in their native language, one line rang through...Yahweh, Yahweh, you are a miracle working God, your name is Yahweh!
Visting a Tailoring Business
We were then back out in the villages to meet and talk with tailoring students who previously have come through the Ignite Change program. It was so cool to see their enthusiasm and the pride they had in having their own machines and businesses! I saw firsthand some of their awesome creations and was truly impressed! Times are difficult here, but each person greets you with kindness and love. They go out of their way to give you a seat and make you feel so very welcome!
Visit to Land and Vision Retreat
Tuesday the entire Ignite Change staff went to the land purchased for the Vocational School. The land is in a perfect location (right outside of town) and is level so every part can be used! We shared a time of worship there and did a prayer walk around the 7.5 acres. The borehole that has already been drilled was operational and the families who live on the bordering land use it so they do not have to travel far to get water. As long as they maintain it, Ignite Change is more than welcoming for them to use the water. Following, the entire staff (they included me in, too) traveled to a nearby park (with a view of the Nile River!) for their Vision Retreat to plan for upcoming projects, projected growth and future dreams for Ignite Change and the impact it will have on the families in Kamdini ~ all while giving the glory to God for his hand in all that Ignite Change has been able to accomplish and praising Him for the lives and future projects yet to come.
Walking around the land of Ignite Change
Playing a game at the Vision Retreat
Last Day and Farewell
My final day concluded with sweet good-byes to the Ignite Change staff at the office ~ taking pictures, eating cupcakes and having a brief Bible Study with them. And, to top it all off, a motorcycle ride from the office to the tailoring center and back through Kamdini with James.
Well, that's some of the highlights that I was blessed to experience and see during my time in Kamdini. It's been good to see firsthand the great work the Ignite Change staff, our brothers and sisters in Christ, are doing here on a day-to-day basis. However, there is still much work to be done to “empower families to achieve a bright and sustainable future.” (taken from the mission statement of Ignite Change)!
Thank you for your ongoing love and prayers for Emily, the entire Ignite Change staff and all the lovely people in Uganda! Your continued support is going further than you can ever imagine!
To God be the Glory!